Monday, January 21, 2008

China 2007

Wes and Donna in China with the Englands!


Jillian said...

Yeah mom! You have a blog! Now I just have to show you how to use it!

Brenda E said...

Hey big sister. Welcome to blogging. I didn't think you would do this, because you are such a busy person. It really is fun and kind of like a journal/scrapbook that your friends and family can enjoy. We hope to come and visit on Presidents weekend in February I hope that is good. I have to take Brandon to Cali this week. Hope all goes well. Wish I had an adult with me. It is definetly more fun for me. Baylee wanted Merik to follow her into the kitchen the other day and they were eating popcorn so she laid a little trail into the kitchen and he followed picking them up.

Nicole Cave said...

Welcome Donna. I know you will just love this once you get used to it. Looking forward to your posts!!

Brenda E said...

Donna what the heck is Wes eating. Is a sausage, or dog. Just wondering how safe it is.

Jessica said...

Ching Chong Wong!

Linda said...

You guys are such toursists! I love it. But mostly, I love the picture of Wes eating a weiner and the little China ladies in the background giggling.

Kim said...

HEY MAMA! I'm a blogger! YAY!

I'm adding you to my friends list... because you are my friend.

Britt and Rick said...

You guys have got to be the funnest people I know!

Marisa said...

Hey happy late birthday wishes Aunt Donna. Linz told me you guys went to Itally just recently. When you gonna post those pics, I'd love to see them. Then I can travel through your pictures when I'm stuck at home changes dirty little bum-bums.

Jillian said...

Mom, you need to update your blog!